Le colloque OGC Location Powers – Urban Digital Twins se tiendra du 12 au 14 janvier 2021. Il réunira des experts de la géographie urbaine, de la planification, de la gouvernance mais aussi du génie civil, du BIM… autour de sujets tels que la data science, le machine learning ou le cloud computing.
Urban areas are facing enormous challenges: escalating population and energy consumption, connected and automated transport, information system development to meet resident and governance needs. Digital twins at the urban scale are transforming how cities are planned, built, and managed to better deliver services to citizens. Digital twins generally include static point-in-time models of the physical objects, as well as, dynamic models that update predictions in near real time using ubiquitous sensor feeds. Building on previous smart city developments, Urban Digital Twins – using the fundamental framework of space and time – will become the tools and methods for high density human settlements to be more livable, inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
The Location Powers: Urban Digital Twins summit will convene experts on urban geography, planning and governance; supported by civil engineering and BIM for design, model and operation of physical infrastructure; along with data science, machine learning, cloud computing, edge computing for information infrastructure. Cities ranging in size and economic prosperity are to be considered leading to recommendations supportive of urban development goals, e.g., UN SDG. Success requires collaboration of multiple tiers of government, the private sector, public utilities, building owners, community groups, etc. Several levels of scale in space and time will be considered, from city dashboards for real time situational awareness (e.g., transportation) to scientific datasets and analysis (e.g., public health), on the scale of long term urban sustainability.
The Location Powers series brings together industry, research and government experts from across the globe into an interactive discussion that assesses the current situation and produces recommendations for future technology innovations and standards development. The summit will build on themes from previous Location Powers: Big Data, Data Science, Smart Cities, etc. The Location Powers summits drive technology innovation conducted by members of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
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